Category: ipod

Invalid IPA

Update: In the Interest to Save Time, Try downloading a different version of IPA App if possible and comfortable to do so, to increase the chances of installing IPA successfully.
It is no surprise, that Most Installous Users face this Error at certain point of time. So how to fix this annoying error solution is this post all about.
The primary error cause can be narrowed down based on considering different factors or activities we follow to download the IPA file. First off, if you were downloading on a slow internet, the chances are the file is corrupt or partially downloaded and still shows successfully downloaded message. It can be the same situation even with high speed internet, if the file is corrupt at hosting level. So work around for this is to download the file from Different source. So now I will concisely give you steps of workarounds to fix errors starting with bare minimum foolish assumptions to advanced level fixes.
1- Try re downloading the same file from a entirely different source
2- try Downloading the Application with different version; old or new version
3- Try installing the app from computer comfort, ifunbox or, Xilisoft ipad Magic Platinum or Syncios
4- Turn WIFI off and ON again and try installing again with the new IPA file
5- Remove Syncapps from Cydia and Reboot and Reinstall Syncapps for your IOS
6- Completely Remove Installous from Cydia and Reinstall it after Reboot
Majority of errors are/will be fixed when re-downloading the file from a different source or different version. So I highly recommend to download a file without any pauses and file corruption possibilities.
Hope this helps, some tired Tweakers.
Thanks – Chaladi

Update: This Method Actually Formats the whole capacity and Will require you to restore your IPOD to factory settings. This is for erasing the Games and some stupid content in IPOD, and freeing up Space for mush desired Music and Videos or required

Hey Guys! Now it’s time to wordpress a situation about Ipod Nano being unrecognized in iTunes or/and Windows Explorer, where nothing ahead we can proceed to make use of IPod. For this process to be able to succeed, we need to see the Device partially recognised, means device is Visible in greyed out or hidden like Volume mounted in Windows Explorer, but when tried to access the disk, it says, Please insert a disk, something like that message. this is to format the Whole iPOD and bring out new fresh IPOD. But if you wish to make use of data in the iPOD, just uninstall the drivers for IPOD in Device Manager and Re-install or scan for new hardware changes being installed itunes and connected to internet for better drivers install.

So, how exactly to solve this problem; here it follows. Once you are confident that the volume is recognised, but cannot access the disk either itunes way or volume way in Windows, you have to go to Command Prompt in Windows by pressing Windows+R key together to start a run dialog box and press CMD in there. or type cmd in Start search box and hit enter. Once you are there at the elevated command prompt type the following commands to check whether your iPOD is recognised as a volume disk or not “cd: F:” Pleas note that, here F is the Disk that Ipod has been granted to mount on Windows. It varies as per your system. To make sure what is your Disk name, check the Windows before connecting IpOD and later , to see the newly mounted Disk. Once confirmed that its the only Disk of IPOD, proceed with the given Disk LEtter

if it says the volume is there but not recognised or corrupted, then with the confident that F or the Given Disk letter, Proceed to format the volume disk with the following commands

“format F:”

Once the command is successfully passed onto IPOD Disk, the Formatting option will start formatting the drive with the New EXFAT file system, that will format the drive and will help you recover the iPOD disk back to working in itunes and Windows being recognised.

Hope this help some frustrated Patrons.

Thank you. any further info or queries, happy to help through comments made here.